Next to the story titles
various locations throughout the site, you'll see these infamous
Hoo-boy, right? Anyone for more MPAA-brand alphabet soup?
I know you know what they mean, but for my own benefit, here's my
guidelines, and how I'll decide what gets what.
Content suitable for all readers.
Content suitable for most readers.
May contain mild or occasional strong language,
some adult material, and/or mild violence.
Content intended for audiences aged 13 and up.
May contain strong language, mature themes,
sexually suggestive content, and/or strong
- but NOT graphic - violence.
Content intended for adult readers.
Likely contains prevalent strong language, mature
themes and content, some - possibly strong,
but NOT explicit - sexual content, and
strong-to-graphic violence.
Patently adult content,
not for children.
Likely contains persistent explicit language,
sexual content, and violence.
Editor's Note: This is an unlikely rating for material on this site.
For one thing, I don't know if I have the requisite skills to actually
anything that would qualify for this rating; secondly, although I have
something of a solution posted on
the Editor's
Cut section of this site,
without a true security system - i.e. passwords - there's no way
for me to
ensure that more impressionable (read: younger) readers would
from the various types of graphic content that the above rating entails.
So, summing up: most likely, this rating won't be popping
up anywhere else on the site. Just thought I'd mention it.